Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China


The database encompasses a collection of ethnic minority documents held in the Fu Ssu-nien Library, primarily gathered by early researchers from our institution during field surveys conducted in the southwestern regions of China between the 1920s and 1940s. The documents belong to various ethnic groups, including the Buyi, Dai, Miao, Yi, Naxi, and She. The languages used in these documents include Chinese, Dai, Yi, Burmese, Tibetan, Dongba, and Geba, among others, with a total of around 800 volumes. In 2002, IHP initiated the "Digital Collection of Ethnographic Specimens, Photographs, and Archives" project, which involved the organization and digitization of these documents. The project also included database development and categorization based on different themes and characteristics, such as historical records, ritual texts, and literary creations of various ethnic minorities. This classification and management aim to enhance the utility and preservation of the collection.
The database has accumulated approximately 883 document records available for open searching.


Work group

2002-2012年 計畫主持人:王明珂,協同主持人:何翠萍 (2002-2006)。2012年起,「西南少數民族文書資料庫」成果移交由傅斯年圖書館持續維護管理。