The Liao-Chin-Yuan Rubbings
The content of this database primarily consists of rubbings from inscribed stones collected by the Fu Ssu-nien Library, totaling around 2,200 rubbings. These inscriptions span the years between 946 and 1382 AD, with the majority belonging to the Yuan Dynasty (1260-1368), approximately 1,300 rubbings. Additionally, there are around 220 rubbings from the Liao Dynasty (907-1125) and about 540 rubbings from the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234). All of these are precious historical artifacts. The stone inscriptions come from various regions, with many from Liaoning, Shandong, Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and others. However, there are also instances where the exact excavation locations of the original stones are unknown.
The rubbings encompass a variety of types, including tomb epitaphs, steles, statues, scripture pillars, poems, Taoist and Buddhist inscriptions, imperial edicts, and more, making for a rich and diverse collection. In addition to Chinese characters, there are rubbings in Khitan, Jurchen, and Mongolian scripts, although their number is relatively small (around 200 rubbings). These are rare rubbings that vividly reflect the diversity of ethnicities and cultures during the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties, providing valuable materials for the study of medieval phonetics and the history of these dynasties.
In addition to presenting basic information about the rubbings, the database also provides access to transcriptions and images for users to browse. This database has a total of 2,258 digitized records available for open searching.
The rubbings encompass a variety of types, including tomb epitaphs, steles, statues, scripture pillars, poems, Taoist and Buddhist inscriptions, imperial edicts, and more, making for a rich and diverse collection. In addition to Chinese characters, there are rubbings in Khitan, Jurchen, and Mongolian scripts, although their number is relatively small (around 200 rubbings). These are rare rubbings that vividly reflect the diversity of ethnicities and cultures during the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties, providing valuable materials for the study of medieval phonetics and the history of these dynasties.
In addition to presenting basic information about the rubbings, the database also provides access to transcriptions and images for users to browse. This database has a total of 2,258 digitized records available for open searching.
Work group
2004-2012 年 計畫主持人:洪金富。2012年起,「遼金元拓片資料庫」成果移交由傅斯年圖書館持續維護管理。